data driven graphics made easy

Blog Index

Facebook sharing - how to get the right content to display

November 03, 2015

When someone shares your page via the URL on Facebook, how do you manage the content that appears in the post? Enter

How do you use data visualisation to tell your story?

November 03, 2015

Data visualisation is often touted as a good way to improve communication about a set of data. There are many ways to create a picture that will tell the proverbial thousand words, but how do you do this effectively?

Understanding industrial design

November 01, 2015

Industrial design emerged with the industrial revolution. Mass production was the catalyst for the role of designer as consultant. Simon King tells us how good design is for everybody.


October 25, 2015

There is an amazing D3 community on the internet. This is driven by the open source nature of all data driven documents, as the source code is available for all to see, learn and borrow from.

What is data visualisation?

October 19, 2015

What exactly is data visualisation, in the context of the phrase in today's world?

Why is data visualisation important?

October 19, 2015

It has oft been said that "a picture paints a thousand words". Conventional wisdom is often bandied about by means of quotes. But when it comes to data why is graphical visualisation thought to be so important?

First prototype underway

October 13, 2015

A simple code generator tool as a proof of concept of what I want to do on this site.

Why I am using a website instead of a visual diary

September 01, 2015

A visual diary is an important of the design course process. Traditionally it is a hardcopy scrapbook where notes are diagrams are created directly on the page or pasted in. As this entire project is digital, this website is going to be used as the diary.

Welcome to

August 26, 2015

Welcome to This site was created for an undergraduate degree design course. As it grows I hope it becomes useful.